The following article cites several new studies that have shown if we reduce the amount of time we sit on a daily basis, we can actually increase our life expectancy. Sitting less than three hours a day could increase life expectancy by 2 years.   Of course, this is not always easy, considering our jobs, but there are simple stretches and exercises outlined in this article to help in those situations.  In fact, by just reducing the amount of time spent sitting in front of the TV each day to less than two 2 hours, life expectancy could increase by 1.4 years.

As well, this article introduces us to Foundation exercises, which attack the root cause of most low back pain…weakness and imbalance in the posterior chain of muscles (muscles involving the pelvis, spine, and hips).    The simple and basic Foundation exercises displayed in this article are enormously beneficial to anyone who finds themselves sitting for an extended period of time as well as to those of us with ongoing low back pain.

We urge you to read this article, sit less, and live longer!!